Soon, Spinderihallerne will have its own data-cloud – and you can join by helping us build it! The Cloud consists of hundreds of floating micro-boards, equipped with thousands of LEDs, all connected with myriads of Ethernet cables and its own server. In its final form, The Cloud will take up a space of 7 x 5 meters, floating 4 meters above the ground.
The Cloud is both a technical and an artistic installation, created by artist and interaction designer Jacob Remin – and you? Part of the installation is ready, but we still need to assemble a major part of the boards, put them together in modules and finally mount them on steel frames before it will finally be “on air”.
We therefor call for all co-creators in Vejle and surroundings, who would like to be part of this new interactive art-tech installation. We will be building in February 21st – 25th. Monday and Wednesday from 10-18, and Tuesday and Thursday from 12 – 20.
We’ll ensure a steady supply of sandwiches, coffee and cake and all co-creators will have their names engraved on a permanent board accompanying the installation.
Artist Jacob Remin and a couple of instructors will be present to show how to assemble the micro-boards.
Send an email to Eva at if you'd like to join.