Soon, the sky in Spinderihallerne will be covered by “The Cloud” – a new art-tech installation, created by artist and interaction designer jacob Remin – and you can join by helping us build it!
The Cloud consists of hundreds of floating micro-boards, equipped with thousands of LEDs, all connected with myriads of Ethernet cables and its own server. In its final form, The Cloud will take up a space of 7 x 5 meters, floating 4 meters above the ground. Part of the installation is ready, but we still need to assemble a major part of the boards and put them together in modules.
You can sign up for slot of min 2 hours – and more, of cause by clicking this link!
We’ll ensure a steady supply of sandwiches, coffee and cake and all co-creators will have their names engraved on a permanent board accompanying the installation.
The artist behind the installation, Jacob Remin, will be present and instruct us how to assemble the micro boards. No technical skills required! All you need is a little bit of patience and a mood for good company with other co-creators. Nerd, art lover, eager to meet new people….anyone can join.
If you want to learn more and join the project, please contact Eva Sommer from Spinderihallerne: // mobile 22 50 24 92.