Nyt fra Vejle Kommune
Dear all, 
June is here tomorrow - and with it officially summer in Denmark!
(Hope the weather can live up to it ;)) 
Below several events that also feels like summer - ENJOY! 
Kind Regards Louise 

Tour de France in Vejle: Join the community


Do you want to participate when Tour de France hits Vejle on July 3rd? There is still a need for more volunteers! 

We are looking for volunteers who wants to be part of the world’s largest bike race. We are looking for people who can help with practical tasks, smiling guides, volunteer team coordinators and many other tasks.

You do not have to speak Danish to join, feel free to still sign up - your laguage skills will be taken into consideration. 

Read more about the volunteer roles and sign up

European Championship qualification in Vejle (U21)

June 4th, 10th and 14th

Vejle has become the new home ground for the Danish U21 men's national team.
In June, the national team plays against Kazakhstan, Scotland and Turkey in Vejle. Come feel the atmosphere in the best football city in Denmark. Tickets are on sale at family friendly prices.
As recipient of this newsletter, you have the opportunity to get free tickets - we have secured 50 tickets for each match.
Let me know at bosaetningsguide@vejle.dk which game you would like to see and how many tickets - first come, first serve! 
Buy your ticket here

Looking for awesome summer activities for kids?

Then there is no need to look further. At "holiday activities" we have plenty of options – so no matter if you are searching for a family activity, or your child wants to try a new hobby, we might just have the thing.  
At "holiday activities" you will find over 100 activities. The activities are for children at the age of five to fifteen years, and they include everything from sports, arts and DIY-projects to the outdoors.
Signup opens on June 1st at 12o’clock.   
Read more and sign your kid up here (choose language at top of page)

French Evening - June 3rd

Join a nice day and evening set for an authentic French “mood”.
The shops in Vejle are open until 22.00 (10pm) and City Vejle creates a nice French atmosphere.
The program is updated continuously, so keep an eye out for the Facebook event.
Eventpage for the French Evening

Family Fan Zone for the U21 European Championship

June 4th at 11.00(am) at Nørretorv

The family fan zone program offers fun and enjoyable activities for the whole family. Experience live DJ, football activities, face painting and much more. You can also win cool VB prizes in the form of VIP tickets and merchandise.
Fan walk
At 13.00 (1pm) we will walk a joint “fan walk” from Nørretorv, where DJ Thunderpower ensures the good atmosphere all the way to Vejle Stadium.  
Win VB prizes
• VIP experience 2 x 2 people
• Tickets 100 x 2 more people for VB’s first home game after summer vacation
• 10 x scarves
• 1 x signed VB jersey
The prizes can be picked up at Vejle Stadium at one of the three U21 home games.
Event page for the Family Fan Zone

Vejle FOODfestival - June 11th

On June 11th at 10-15 (10am-3pm) Vejle FOODfestival will once again take place – make sure you mark your calendar.
Vejle will be filled with awesome stalls, where you can experience, taste and hear more about all the great foods Vejle and the surrounding area have to offer.
The program is updated continuously, so keep an eye out for the Facebook event.
Eventpage for the Vejle FOODfestival

Tour de France Art & Design Exhibition

June 16th - July 26th

ArtZone at Spinderihallerne invites everyone to an exhibition and vernissage of the exhibition Tour de France Art & Design Exhibition.
Behind the initiative are 15 artists and designers who want to celebrate the historic bicycle event with an art exhibition. All have been asked to relate to the theme of TdF/cycling, but otherwise no restrictions.  
Everyone is welcome to the vernissage on Thursday June 16th at 17:30 in Spinderiet (Spinderhallerne). There is free admission and Spinderhallerne provide a drink and a snack - the rest you buy yourself in our TdF bar with MobilePay.
The exhibition can be seen until July 26th on weekdays during the Spinderihallen's opening hours.

Cirkus in Vissingsgade - June 25th

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed audience!
City Vejle has the pleasure of welcoming you to Cirkus ABC's fantastic world. Here you can experience Vejle's largest one-man circus on June 25th at 10.00 (am).
When the show is over, the fun continues with a circus workshop where children and adults can try and play with all the circus equipment.
Event page for the cirkus in Vissingsgade

Pull the Plug for a bit with Spinderihallerne

June 21st at 17-21 (5-9pm)

Spinderihallerne invite you, and everyone you know, to pull the plug for a bit!
The summer playlist, cozy seating areas and a bar with delicious drinks are all ready - and there will be mini golf, table football and table tennis.
You bring the good mood and the wish to gear down in nice surroundings.
Bring your colleague, mother, partner, child or friend and enjoy a summer moment at Spinderihallerne.
If you get hungry, it is possible to sign up for Tuesday food, which starts at 17.30 (find link to buy ticket below).
Event page for Pull the Plug

World Orienteering Championships June 26th-30th

This summer the very first SPRINT World Orienteering Championships takes place in the heart of Denmark.
Three fantastic and versatile cities, Kolding, Fredericia and Vejle host the competitions.  
The city centers have a cobweb of backyards, alleyways and small streets. All of which will be a challenge for the 350 elite runners from 50 nations.  
The last of the finals is the “individual Sprint”. It takes place on June 30th in Vejle. We will warm-up at Rådhustorvet in Vejle, all dressed in pink, with competitions, a family orienteering race, music, a pink selfie wall and lots of other activities before the first runner sets off from Byparken at 17.50 (5.50pm).  
Come and join the party – it is free to watch the finals. 
Read more here (choose language at top of page)

Open Call – Want to exhibit in Spinderihallerne?


Apply now and until June 15!

For the first time, Spinderihallerne is inviting local artists and designers to apply for exhibiting in Spinderiet in Spinderihallerne.

We are looking for solo or group exhibitions in the field of fine art, design, technology – or a mix. Genres could be photo, painting, drawing, sculpture, installation….

The exhibition will be from August 1st – 26th 2022.

Read more about how to apply (English at bottom of page)

Tour de France is coming to Vejle on July 3rd

Read more about events in the next month, the route, where to park, which streets are closed etc. - in short; EVERYTHING you need to know about the tour in Vejle! 
Choose language at top of page (via yellow circle). 
Official Vejle Tour de France page

Torsdagsselskabet / Thursday Society

On Thursdays you are invites to the Thursday Society at Spinderihallerne.
Time for board game night and Wine & Vinyl - among others! 
The café will each week prepare a Thursday soup with sustainablity in mind - no need to sign up. 
Check Spinderihallerne's SoMe for coming Thursday Societies! 
Spinderhallerne's Facebook event page

Tirsdagsmad / Tuesday Food

Enjoy your dinner at Spinderhallerne on Tuesdays (June 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th). 
Spinderhallerne will prepare a meal - all you have to do is show up and enjoy it. (50kr for adults - 40kr for children).
Do not wait too long to sign up as seating is limited! 
Find all dates and buy your tickets here

Contact Newcomer Service

You are always welcome to contact me if you have any questions about life in Vejle.
Welcome to Vejle
Newcomer Service contact info