⇒ Photo Competition - Calling all amateur Photographers in the Triangle Region!
Submit photos from October 24 – November 21!
Both adults and children/youngsters can participate in four categories, inspired by the exhibition Press Photo of the Year: Scenes from everyday life, Portrait, Sports and Open Category. Each category has a weekly deadline – see below. Every week, we will choose a 1st and a 2nd place among adult and young participants and publish the winning photos on Spinderihallernes website and social media.
Thursday November 23, 5:30 pm. Final and celebration of photo competition: We invite all participating photographers and others for an open event in Spinderihallerne. All winner photos will be printed and exhibited in Spinderihallerne out of which the audience will choose the Amateur Photographer of the Year.
⇒ Finissage of Inktober exhibition w artist Costin Benescu.
Exhibition and sale of original ink drawings and artist talk. Tuesday Nov 1st at 7pm in Spinderihallerne.
During the entire month of October in the entrance to Spinderiet everyone has the opportunity to see something special take shape: an experimental exhibition that starts on October 1st and has no opening / Vernissage but only a Finissage on Monday October 31st! This dynamic exhibition will take inspiration from the Inktober 2022 theme prompts that offer one word per day for inspiring ink drawings!
So the exhibition starts with one drawing on October 1st and ends with 31 drawings on October 31st. The evening after, on Spinderihallerne’s Long Tuesday at 6pm, we invite everyone for a little Finissage where you can see all the drawings, buy a drink and have a chat with Costin. That will also be the time to purchase any of the drawings if anyone is inclined directly from the artist: Costin George Benescu (also known as Alien Ape Star)!
⇒ Artist spot with artist Roberto Marchesi.
Exhibition of oil paintings all of November. Artist talk Tuesday November 8th at 7pm.
⇒ Junette Bay - "The right to bear cute arms".
Exhibition and talk w artist Junette Bay - "The right to bear cute arms". Thursday November 10th at 7pm in spinderihallerne.
Come hear Junette's story about her controversial piece and her experiences from the Wold's biggest art competition ArtPrize in Michigan, where she took home the price as Best International Artist.
⇒ Concert with Narine
On November 15th at 7pm you can experience Narine from Armenian sing in Spinderihallerne. The concert is free but you need to register here.
⇒ New community: The art of debating community
Yes, you can take a stance on an issue, but can you support your position successfully? This is what debating is all about!
Debating is the ability to build up arguments that can withstand rigorous scrutiny and thus enable one to fend off one's opponents who seek to refute one's position or reasoning.
Everybody is welcome! First time is November 17th at 6pm.
⇒ Workshop - Stopmotion with Lego
Come and make your own little stopmotion video with LEGO on November 17th at 4.30 pm. For more info and regristration check the link below. (NOTE: limited amount of participants).
⇒The exhibition Press Photo of the Year will be on show in Spinderihallerne from October 25 – November 25 on weekdays during our opening hours. Weekend November 5-6 also open.
NOTE If you are looking for a community or want to start a new one check this out and contact Ann, if you have any questions or idéas. More than 14 communitues lives in Spinderihallerne.