Dear all,
September is here in a few days and with it the national initiative Welcome September!
SO many things are going on in Vejle this year - please check all the events below and note that in some sections there are links to more than one event!
I hope you find several you would like to join - and remember many events are for everyone, not just newcomers!
Kind Regards Louise
Vejle Ambassador Network
September 14th
Are you an international living in Vejle?
Enjoying your Danish adventure and would like to share your story with other internationals?
Who knows better than you what international life in Vejle is all about!
Join these sessions about becoming a Vejle Ambassador!
No strings attached, just to hear about “how to get started” with sharing your Vejle-life on social media, including tips to improve your own profiles on LinkedIn, Insta and Facebook.
AND to expand your network by meeting other internationals at the sessions!
First session is September 14th at 17.00-19.00 (5-7pm) at Vejle Old Town Hall.
This events will be held in English, are free of charge and include a light meal.
Social Run - September 2nd
Join this cozy event where we celebrate community and fellowship – your “newcomer chance” to expand your network.
Run thru’ the charming streets and parks of Vejle, while you meet other “Vejlensere”.
Social Run is the perfect opportunity to make new friends, explore the city and all its secrets stories. No matter how long you have lived in the area, you will have lots of fun.
The concept is simple, we run/walk for 45 min. – chose between walking, cozy and fast(ish).
When we are back, the first beer/soda and hotdog is on us – free for all participants. (remember to sign up).
Don’t miss out on this festive event with music, food and entertainment for all!
Planned together with City Vejle and Bevæg dig for Livet - CHECK also Culture Night Vejle and Culture for Kids (September 1st and 2nd).
Borrow a living book at Jelling Library
Would you like to broaden your horizon and understand minority groups? Then borrow a book from the Human Library on 2 September at Jelling Library.
The human library is a library made up of people. The "books" are people who, like open books, answer the readers' questions and in this way, share experiences from their own lives. The human books represent groups in society who are often exposed to preconceived notions, prejudices and discrimination because of their lifestyle, occupation, social status, ethnic origin etc.
All the books in the Human Library are volunteers who come forward to share themselves and answer your questions honestly. Any book can interrupt a reading at any point if they don't feel comfortable or find the reader's behavior inappropriate.
It is not possible to reserve a book in advance. You do not need to register as a reader - just turn up.
Triangle Region Festival Week
The Triangle Region Festival Week is already happening and continues until September 3rd.
Below highlights that are little/non-Danish speaking friendly - find the entire program here.
A musical meeting of Palestinian, Iranian, Syrian and Danish roots.
Ten large fish with installed lights are carried through the city streets. The city's local population as well as school classes are invited to turn up and join - with or withour their own fish. The activity is part of "Night in nature".
Imagine a world without colors. Or only in black and white? No, right? At this year's Cardboard & Paper Festival, we celebrate the wonderful colors of the world. In many different works, the artists and designers will give their take on colors, diversity and the influence of colors on our daily lives.
All art does not have to be GREAT art. The street gallery celebrates everyday artists, and the small works that both you and I can make if we put in the effort.
Job Search Support - start up September 8th
Newcomer Service offers you five weekly sessions, where you can get tips for your job search in Vejle and meet other expat job seekers.
Each time we will go over a subject that will be relevant for your future job situation in Vejle/Denmark. For some of the sessions we invite a guest speaker, in order for you to get the best knowledge within the subject!
NOTE: it is possible to join some of the session - see below what could be of interest to you.
September 8th: Timeline from your arrival to job (what to expect and what is expected of you) and networking in Denmark.
September 15th: LinkedIn - how to use it in Denmark (Guest speaker Caroline Hechmann Gejl).
September 22nd: Job search; posted positions/unposted positions and job interview (Guest speaker Charlotte Baisgaard).
September 29th: Cover letter and CV – competence vs. chronological resume, full time/part time job, voluntary work and work within another field that you are used to.
October 6th: Rounding off, incl. possibility of education/new skills, your leisure time.
REMEMBER; it is free to participate, but you have to sign up!
Do you want to learn to bike?
Maybe you have noticed that Denmark is a biking-country - the freedom it can give you to jump on your bike to go from A to B.
We realize that learning to bike is not something every child in the world grow up learning and as a grown-up international in Vejle, maybe that is you!
Here is your chance to learn together with other adults - free of charge and with lots of patience and fun.
You do not have to speak Danish (if you are a beginner, it is also a chance to practice) - bikes an helmets are provided... All you have to do is join, easy right?
Startup is September 6th at 16.30-18.00 (4.30-6.00pm)
To sign up contact Katrine at mobile 51 19 62 53 or mail kkrra@vejle.dk.
Beer & Bolo - September 7th
An evening with vegetarian bolognese (for only 30kr.), cheap beer (with and without alcohol) and dancing to crisp tunes from a local DJ - all happening at 17.00-20.00 (5-8pm).
What to do when you end up producing 1 ton too much vegan bolognese? Naturally, you invite the entire local area to a communal dining.
Hanegal and Spinderihallerne have teamed up to reduce food waste and focus on communities, by organizing four communal dining evenings at Spinderihallerne – Hanegale Thursdays.
Each evening has its very own theme, and you are all invited!
How to buy a home in Denmark - September 11th
Skov Advokater and Sydbank invites you to an introduction on buying real estate in Denmark.
The event will be about subjects such as;
- where to begin
- the showing of the house with the agent
- negotiations
- conditions for buying real estate in Denmark
- options of financing
- requirements to financing
The event is free of charge, but you must sign up before September 4th as there is a limited number of seating.
Danish Daycare and Public School Information Meeting - September 12th (online)
Curious to know more about the Danish daycare system? Or how about the public school system?
Maybe you have children in the daycare/public school system already or are planning to enroll them when old enough. Then this meeting is for you!
In this two hour session you can get information about both from Vejle Municipality employees working in the field.
NOTE It is possible to join for both hours or choose to hear about daycare system for the first hour and public school system for the second.
Stand Up in English - September 28th
Join us for a fantastic evening of english comedy at Spinderihallerne.
Three professional comedians guarantee a hilarious night of quality stand up!
This time featuring Anders Morgenstierne, Ira Sylvester and Kriti Parajapati.
Autumn Reception - this year in Haderslev
Would you like to participate in the regional International Family Day x Autumn Reception at StreetDome in Haderslev (one of the best skate parks in Europe), on Saturday, September 23rd 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM?
The event is for international families living in the Triangle Region: Vejle, Haderslev, Kolding, Vejen, Billund, Fredericia and Middelfart.
Concerts at Engelsholm in September
Yör combines the fine and intimate with the large and explosive. A unique Danish-language text universe is allowed to unfold in a sonorous combination of organic and electronic instruments. Marie's captivating vocals and lyrical talent are at the center of a framework of raw synth textures, with a beating heart of deep bass and drums. Yör’s strong chemistry reaches far beyond the edge of the stage and right into the audience.
The Faroese band Marius Ziska has made a mark with their Nordic sound as one of the most interesting names on the Faroese music scene. The band has toured extensively in Denmark, which has created a large Danish fanbase. The group’s fifth album RÚM takes Marius Ziska's electronic pop music and Faroese melancholy to a new level.
After a successful debut album that has so far garnered over 2 million plays worldwide, Acoustic Lounge is back with second album, ALONE TOGETHER. The album exudes Acoustic Lounge's unique sound and pays tribute to the old jazz traditions by rearranging some of the greatest hits of the time.
Concerts at Vejle Musikteater in September
Experiencing the jazz pianist Niels Lan Doky in Vejle Musikteater with his Danish trio.
Since the last tour in Denmark, Niels Lan Doky has been busy with a number of collaborations and international projects with some of the biggest names in the music world, among others Billy Cobham, Lenny White, Bill Evans and Lisa Nilsson.
The Peter Schaufuss Ballet celebrates its 25th anniversary with a terrific Elvis ballet with live orchestra and singers. A show for the whole family.
The performance is performed to Elvis Presley's unforgettable music in a cornucopia of Elvis' greatest hits, danced, sung and played 'live' on stage.
Free Rejsekort (travel card) for newcomers
In 2023, Vejle Municipality, together with Sydtrafik, offers a free travel card to new residents.
If you just moved to Vejle, you can get a Rejsekort (travel card), and travel for free with public transportation for two months. This gives you plenty of opportunity to see your new municipality and the experiences and attractions it offers.
NOTE that you have to activate the card within two months after you moved to Vejle.
Read more about the requirements and how to get the card below:
"Fællesspisning” at Spinderihallerne
The first Tuesday of the month from 18-19.00 Spinderihallerne invites you all to a large communal meal at our long tables in the Café.
The food, music and entertainment these evenings will zoom in on different food cultures.
All other Tuesdays, you can also buy a healthy meal at Spinderihallerne.
It is only first Tuesday of the month you have to sign up in future, staring September 5th.
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions about life in Vejle.
Kind Regards Louise