Dear all,
October is here in a few days and with it autumn vacation.
I hope you find several events you would like to join - and remember many events are for everyone, not only newcomers. ENJOY!
Kind Regards Louise
ps. October also brings a new look to this newsletter - let me know what you think?
October 5th
Join "Together Vejle" and "Newcomer Service" for dinner and a chat about communities in Vejle.Come and have dinner on October 5th at Spinderhallern's Café in the company of Together Vejle and Newcomer Service.
We'll be present in the café from 17.30 (5.30pm) and looking forward to chatting with you about life in Vejle and the local communities over a simple, tasty dinner.
No need to sign up - just show up!
(NOTE you have to buy your own meal - Thursday soup is 59kr.). |
Autumn vacation activities
Does your child need something to do during the autumn vacation?
There are also many family activities where you can compete against each other in archery or laser games. The children can be creative with beads, jewelry and paint, be a master baker, make cream buns or sushi, or they can be active and try dancing, riding or becoming a golfer!
Sign up is already open!
October events at Spinderhallerne
Get ready for the coolest evening for children when Hanegal and the Spinderihallerne invite you to Hanegal Thursdays in Spinderihallerne: BørneBolo on October 12th.
A shared meal with the children in focus, where we serve delicious, cheap (30kr.) vegan Bolognese.
There will also be super cool entertainment which is guaranteed to make the evening very special!
Autumn vacation means retrogaming in Vejle!
Come and play the good old retro games!
Free to participate - games available at Spinderhallerne.
Retro Games are planned by the Vejle Libraries, Spinderihallerne, FabLab and VejleMuseerne.
Spinderihallerne's new PODCAST COMMUNITY meet up for the first time on October 5th, and if you are interested in podcasts, you should definitely join!
It is for everyone who is interested in making podcasts.
Trine and Anne from the improv choir have picked a bouquet of good songs about life, community, love and autumn that you can all sing along to.
There is room for EVERYONE, regardless of singing skills! All happening on October 10th.
October events at VejleMuseerne (VejleMuseums)
Taste the Middle Ages!
Sink your teeth into the salty and sweet from the medieval kitchen and learn more about the importance of food for life in the Middle Ages.
In the Middle Ages, the Catholic fasting rules made herring one of Europe's most important food and trade items. Danish kings and North German merchants made profits and went to war for power over the herring market.
Ocotber 15th-18th the museum offers (free) delicious tastings and exciting finds from medieval Vejle.
Sorry... but your youth is at the museum! 😲
At the Culture Museum, you can let your memories wander back to the music, TV series, games and pop culture of the 90s and 00s throughout the autumn holidays!
Red is the color of anger. Red is the color of love. Red is joy, uncertainty, togetherness and dedication. Red is the color of emotions!
In connection with the exhibition Rød (Red) you can find a number of concerts with Danish artists.
AUTUMN VACATION AT THE VEJLEMUSEUMS - vacation activities that make the kids' days off fly by!
The museums are open the entire autumn vacation.
October events at the Vejle Libraries
The library is overrunned with monsters and (u)hygge (scary / hygge) during the autumn vacation, and they will be at all the libraries - also when the library, together with the School of Music and Culture, invites you to create theatre, dressing up and good stories for the little ones in Vejle.
Check the libraries' event page to find out what day the mosters are at the library closest to you!
Join us on October 28th when, together with Vejle Music and Culture School, we invite to music, singing, games and movement for children aged 2-6 and their adults - this time in Give.
Does your child need help reading and writing?
Then stop by the library on October 3rd when Hedvig and Mads visits. They are both super users of SayHi, AppWriter, GoogleDocs and Nota 2.0. Bring your mobile phone and get good tips on how to use the tools.
Are you in grade 3-6 and do you want to be creative and make beautiful Halloween pictures in watercolor?
Then join us when we make "creepy" (but beautiful) skull pictures and pictures of bare trees.
See when at a library close to you.
🌳 English Outdoors!! 🌳 - start up October 25th
New to Vejle? Want to meet people, level-up your English and explore Vejle's nature? Then join Sara for her fun and friendly new course at FOF...
1.Brush up your English skills; boost your job success 🗣️
2. Get some exercise (it'll help your brain too) 👣 🧠
3. Meet new people 🤝
4. Get to know Vejle's natural surroundings 🗺️
Sign up quick! Limited places available!
Church service in English - October 29th
Do you live in Denmark, and do you speak English, and would you like to experience a service in the Danish folkekirke?
This autumn, you can attend an English-language service in Vejle. Sunday 29 October at 14.00 / 2pm in Nørremarkskirken Moldevej 1, 7100 Vejle.
The preacher is pastor Sacha Yoder. The theme is "Light in the dark". After the service is there a get-together where we will serve coffee, tea and cake, and there will be a talk by migrant pastor Birgitte Møldrup.
Everyone is welcome! It is free of charge to participate.
50% dicount for internationals
Moulin Rouge at Vejle Musikteater
Welcome to a world of love, glamor and mystery where all your dreams can come true.
All songs are sung in English, however spoken lines will be in Danish.
Week 40 - focus on alcohol
Did you know that 1 out of 4 has had an argument with family or friends while drunk? Luckily most people are supportive and consider it ‘brave’, if you ask for help.
These are some of the pointers in Alkohol & Samfund’s campaign from the 2nd of October.
In Vejle it is possible to gain treatment for free – as Rusmiddel Center Vejle offers free counselling.
Pretty great, right?
So if you, a family member or friends needs help - please, feel free to contact Rusmiddel Center Vejle at telephone 76 81 90 00.
Join (Vid)Underlig Dag October 11th
On this day we dedicate the day to the quirky, the crazy, the difficult, the wild, the relatable and the (Vid)Underlige – and you're invited.
Are you a young person not able to thrive or the parent to one?
Then this day in is an opportunity for you to learn more and meet the various offers and opportunities for young people in Vejle Municipality.
(Vidunderlig means wonderfull and Underlig means wierd/qiurky)
Newcomer Service
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions about life in Vejle.
Kind Regards Louise