January is here - a slow starting month, time to plan the new year. And often time to create hygge inside, as the Danish weather is already showing its grey side this time of year.
HOWEVER, if you like to get out of the house, there are a few English events planned for the first month of the year - find them below.
Want to spread the word and contribute to the internationalization of the region?
Join the FREE national HEADSTART Ambassador Network!
The idea is to share your own perspectives and experiences with life in Denmark so that people abroad discover what the country has to offer. Hearing about your experience of settling in Denmark and Vejle might be just what another person needs before taking the plunge!
Curious? Join us at Bygningen in Vejle on January 29th to hear more about the network, meet other internationally-minded people and share your experiences!
Celebration of Danish poet Inger Christensen's 90th bithday
Inger Christensen was a famous Danish Poet - orginally from Vejle. On January 16th she would have turned 90!
This calls for a celebration - INCLUDING reading of some of her poems in their translated form. On the 16th you can join this reading by your fellow expats, maybe even in your language (the international part is from 7.20pm).
All happening at Spinderihallerne - see you there?
6:30: Opening speech by Dan Arnløv Jørgensen, Chairman of the Culture & Sports Committee, Vejle Municipality. 6:35: "Nature Exists" – World Premiere. Lyrical video work by artist-photographer Britta Egebjerg and newly composed music by composer and pianist Nicky Bendix. Inger Christensen's view of nature is interpreted in this interdisciplinary and aesthetic work as a sensory walk through Inger Christensen's childhood landscape and artistic mind.
7:00: Poetry reading, part 1. 15 local residents of Vejle each read a sonnet from "The Butterfly Valley." The reading symbolizes the poet's connection to Vejle and that her words are still with us. 7:20: Poetry reading, part 2. Inger Christensen's poems have been translated into over 30 languages. Selected poems will be read in various languages by people from the countries where the works have been published. The readings symbolize the author’s own travels around the world, where she read her poems aloud.
Are you into ReFashion? Maybe you want to but need inspiration?
Then Vejle ReFashion Week is for you.
Yes, the talks will be in Danish, but on January 28th and 30th there are workshops where you can learn to crochet and mend your clothes; giving them new life.
On Saturday February 1st you can join ReFashion DeLuXe - Market Day to get tips and tricks, buy second hand items and even sell your own second hand stuff (this need sign up).
Carillon concert at Sct. Nicolai Church - January 11th + 25th
Have you ever passed the Sct. Nicolai Curch on a Saturday morning and wondered "what is that playing"?
It is a short Carillon concert, one of the parish's carillonneurs will play melodies on the church carillon, happening twice in January, on the 11th and 25th, at 11:15–11:45 a.m.
The best place to hear the carillon is out on the Church Square and the surrounding streets.
International Service - January 19th
Vor Frelsers Church experiened great success with their Christmas Service in December and are therefore considering to set up a monthly English service - if there is a need for this.
If you and your family is interested, you can join the next on January 19th at 4pm.
We have decided to go ahead with the drop-in coffee and have planned dates for all of 2025.
In January it will be the 23rd.
Informal coffee meeting with Newcomer Service and Spinderihallerne.
Stop by to meet others, or if you are new in Vejle, or have a question you would like to run by us, maybe you want to check out Spinderihallerne, or if you have a good idea for an event/community, or….
Current info; Why are they digging on my street? Why is the road closed today? Here you get an overview of roadworks that affect traffic throughout Vejle Municipality.
Vejle Municipality is constantly working to improve safety and accessibility on roads and paths. Here you get an overview of where construction projects are underway. (Site in Danish, choose language at top of page).
Newcomer Service
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions about life in Vejle.